In this month’s 10 on 10, I captured a daddy-son project. We are doing a lot of work to our garden this spring (photos and more details to come), and Jeremy had a great idea to do signs for the different parts of our garden. We already have a pumpkin patch area, a tomato cage area, a raspberry patch, and two strawberry patches.

      So Jeremy thought this would be a great project for he and Carter to do together. I caught photos of the boys prepping the signs by outlining them on the wood, Jeremy showed them what the saw would do when he cut them and why they used a special pen, and then finally he and Carter put a white base coat of paint on them. The final painting of them will be done by Grandma and I and we will try to match the printed signs as much as we can.

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      What a great idea – so cute!

      Holy cow that’s gonna be ridiculous!