December 24, 2017

      Not exactly a Christmas Eve looking photo, but we were catching SNOWFLAKE ON CHRISTMAS EVE!! In the Pacific Northwest! That NEVER happens (well it has only happened like three times in my whole life living here). EXCITED! We might get a white Christmas!

      December 25, 2017

      When your dreams of a white Christmas come true … we got about four inches over night and woke to the snow coming down still. What a beautiful morning!

      December 26, 2017

      It isn’t snowing still, but the snow remains and it is cold and gorgeous out.

      December 27, 2017

      We have had a crazy few days with the holidays and family in town, so these two had a mellow night crashed on my bed reading while I frantically tried to edit photos to catch up!


      December 28, 2017

      Boys in the hood – Our neighborhood gang hanging out for the afternoon – so many good times with these boys, we love it!!

      December 29, 2017

      Random crazy yoyo hanging out of no where…

      December 30, 2017

      While my beloved Huskies may not have won, at least the score was closer than the Cougs game…. (Sorry TTY & Melissa!)

      December 31, 2017

      The best way to celebrate New Years Eve … a visit from a cousin who is loved to pieces by these two! Happy New Year Everyone!!!


