Day 316 | November 11th
I spy a kitten snuggling with a dog … Grateful that Mazy is so good with Zelda and Zelda has no issue cuddling right up with her!
Day 317 | November 12th
Today I am grateful for some of the wildlife that passes through our backyard. I was doing dishes when I looked up and spotted this young buck eating the apples on the ground. He was incredibly brave – people passed him by not 30 feet away on the trail and it didn’t phase him one bit.
Day 318 | November 13th
Gavs had to do an Autumn Art Project where we walked around and took 6 photos of things he found in nature. I took this last one of him in the wild ? I am grateful for this kids smile and overall infectious personality. He and I have so much fun together ❤️
Day 319 | November 14th
The long and dark winter is here – our sun sets around 4:30, but it can feel even earlier if it is rainy. This led to me wanting to learn how to make candles. The cozy warm glow makes the dark seem a lot more bearable, especially when we are stuck inside all day, every day. Here is the first attempt that Carter took lead on.
Day 320 | November 15th
Helping move the firewood into the garage – chores have to be done before video games can commence ?
Day 321 | November 16th
We are back in lock down. Bigger restrictions asking we no longer socialize indoors with groups of people outside our immediate household. We are trying to be creative to still provide social time for Gavs and his bestie. Gonna be honest, the Alexa Show has been a life saver for him to be able to still “hangout” and be creative with his friend.
Day 322 | November 17th
Today I am grateful for fires in the fireplace. Plus I spy someone enjoying the warmth in her cozy spot.