Day 330 | November 25th
Preparing the turkey with a LOOOOOONGGG injection needle full of butter
Day 331 | November 26th
Thanksgiving day! It was low key, with just our household as we are not supposed to gather beyond that. I didn’t really pick up my camera much as I was in and out of the kitchen all day. Jeremy and I agreed it was probably the most stress free holiday we have ever had together. There was no pressure to time things perfectly, no getting the house cleaned and prepped – everyone just kinda did what they wanted to throughout the day. We all worked on a puzzle, watched some football and then totally got into the Masked Singer ?
So here are the photos I did take: Fredrick the turkey (my niece named him for us over text), candied cranberries for the pumpkin pie, the pumpkin pie where the crust was burned, so I broke it off and put the crust leaf cutouts along it instead ?, the boys at the table right before we ate and then the beautiful poinsettia that our neighborhood secret Santa dropped off!
Day 332 | November 27th
Back to happy hour on Alexa since we are locked down. Dropped off Moscow Mule makings for these two (and root beer for the kids) so we could still try to be social. So thankful for our second family ❤️
Day 333 | November 28th
This is very much a document the moment vs. curated photographer photo. These two decided to make two large boxes into airplanes, cutting and taping ribbon and drawing controls. They happily played in them for most of the night and it was like a flash back to when they were super little and only had their imaginations for entertainment. It was sweet and wonderful and worth documenting, even if it is a messy photo. Life is messy.
Day 334 | November 29th
We have a little helper while we get all our Christmas decorations put out. She is helping by trying to eat the little tree ?
Day 335 | November 30th
The weather has been gorgeous this week and we are trying to get out and walk daily. Carter is perfecting his “photographers son pose” as he called it. Apparently it’s where you look away from the camera thoughtfully ? Second shot is how our walks typically play out – I follow along while these two discuss all there is about whatever game they are currently playing. I convinced the boys to pose together in front of our neighbors ribboned tree and amazingly got an awesome photo of them both!!
Day 336 | December 1st
Sleepy morning Advent Calendaring.
This is the first year the boys didn’t want a lego one and my heart is sad that they have now outgrown that tradition.
And huge thanks to Kristen for providing the same calendar Cart-o has so that Gavin was happy!!