Day 64 | March 5th
Today officially marks one year of remote school. ONE YEAR of so much … togetherness.
This year has been wonderful in some respects … we were forced to slow down. We spent a lot of time together. Jeremy stopped travelling so we went from him being home only half a month and then gone the other half, to having him home all the time. For months on end there was nothing on our calendar. School transitions were easier without the anxiety of starting a new grade AND learning a new school for Carter.
This last year also held a great deal of challenge. While Jeremy and I are both introverts and were happy to just be home, it got old and tiring because there is no break. The boys have done well when they are each others only source of entertainment, but there has definitely been a lot of fighting and bickering. We miss playing sports, seeing family, hugging other people. The boys miss the social time with friends and while I loathe video games, it ended up being their only way to connect with other people. Then there was the whole level of fear at the beginning about being out in public at all, which led me to grocery shop at 5am so that I could avoid as many people as possible.
Everyone’s lives changed with socially distancing, wearing masks everywhere and the shortage of supplies like toilet paper, hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes and more. But we all adapted. Our neighborhood banded together like never before, showing a level of support and kindness that made us so happy to live where we do. New traditions were started and we found new ways for fun.
So to mark the one year point of where it all began, the boys and I did a photo to show our “togetherness.”
Day 65 | March 6th
Gavin’s first soccer game of 2021! He scored within the first five minutes and looked great (even out of shape, haha). He’s the one making a sweet cut with the ball and it was so wonderful to be out watching soccer again!
Day 66 | March 7th
And we are closing in on Spring! I spent the afternoon cutting back geraniums to prep for re-potting and a couple of plants are blooming.
Day 67 | March 8th
Piano practice continues… and while Gavin hates piano so much, we still make him continue because he has so much talent.
Day 68 | March 9th
The joys of remote school mean science projects have to be done at home. Carter was given litmus paper to test the acidity of different things.
Day 69 | March 10th
One of the only times in the last year that the boys leave the house is for haircuts. Thankfully Brad works out of a single place where we all wear masks.
Day 70 | March 11th
I actually took this photo in January when I was doing black and white. Kristen and I were out on a walk at sunset and came across these two ducks, quietly floating on a pond.