Category: Kids
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March 26, 2016 When I asked Carter what he wanted to do for his birthday, he thoughtfully responded, "I want to take a few friends for dinner at the ...
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March 24, 2016 Seven. Wow. SEVEN. I remember seven. That was a big year when you are a kid. And here you are... SEVEN. Oh Carter ... there a...
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March 7, 2016 There is an app for everything ... including how to make paper airplanes.
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March 3, 2016 With the bonus room having more room from our re-arranging, we are getting some different forms of hiding and play.
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March 2, 2016 Sometimes you just need some crazy faces and holding some doors up.
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November 28, 2015 Today was about laziness for the kids and decorating for the grown ups. I caught Carter in some amazing morning light, he then proce...
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November 26, 2015 Thanksgiving day - since I took quite a few photos of our Thanksgiving to tell a story around it, I used the new Adobe Slate to pull...
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November 25, 2015 Melissa came over for dinner tonight, but I was so busy chatting with her that I forgot to take a photo! So here is Gavin, after his...
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November 24, 2015 It was a Tuesday and I was busy with editing photos ... so busy I didn't get around to taking a photo this day. So here is a fun thr...
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November 23, 2015 Is it terrible that I get no end of amusement that every single picture I have of Carter catching a ball his face is like this or hi...