Grandma prepared our traditional turkey dinner for Easter this year – why not ham? My family likes turkey. And pie. LOTS of pie. Grandpa tried to chain the fridge with the pie closed so he could hoard it all for himself, but that is a different story …
Anywho, at Christmas, Mark & Kim got Ryan this cool remote-controlled off-roading car. But it isn’t a normal remote control car – this sucker can fly. I *think* it tops out around 40mph? It actually might be 60mph, but for once I will go with under-exaggerating something. We always end up hanging out in my parents front yard/street watching them speed along and jump it, yelling “Car!” anytime a car approached so it didn’t become road kill. Mark ran into Gavin with it (Gavin yelled, ’GEN! for again), Carter got chased by it, and Scott broke it eventually (TYPICAL!).
We had a great Easter Sunday – all the sunshine, the egg hunts, and the time with family.
Other families have crumb crunchers. I have pie snatchers. Move along. There is no pie here.