I have relatively few photos of me with the boys. Sad to think about since I love photography soooo much. In the last year I have been better about doing “Selfies” or is it “Us-ies” but I still have relatively few photos at the end of the year. And it is silly to think about. I have a tripod. I have a remote shutter. I have no excuse. So I decided to do a photo project for 2015 where I set up a camera weekly to take portrait shots of the boys and I. Nothing fancy. Nothing too posed. Just us. Trying to get a few photos. My goal is to post at least one. I have a feeling the outcome will be a lot like the below. The lure of pressing the shutter. A lot of uncooperative looks. Potentially some props pulled in. Maybe some cuddles. A WHOLE lot of crazy. But that is us. Always on the brink of disaster. An imperfectly perfect disaster. Enjoy!
Imperfectly Perfect | 52 Portraits in 2015 | Week 1
Blog, Family, Kids, Personal, Photo, Photography, Photos, Project 52: Imperfectly Perfect
January 9, 2015