Day 232 | August 20, 2018

      Jeremy has been travelling most of the month, so dinner time has been a bit more thrown together than normal. The boys helped today by each pulling together an appetizer plate.

      Day 233 | August 21, 2018

      Tried a homemade rosemary flatbread recipe today and it was delish!

      Day 234 | August 22, 2018

      Earning video games in the golden early morning light. The sunrise is getting later and later as we approach fall, making me a little sad for our fading summer.

      Day 235 | August 23, 2018

      I only have a terrible phone photo for this, but it goes up as part of our family journal. Both boys have had broken capillaries on their cheeks. Gavin’s has been there for several years and is so obvious that I tend to photoshop it off of him when I take pictures (see the above two photos on his left cheek where I did not photoshop). Carter has two of them on his right cheek for much less time and since they were off to the side of his face, they were less noticeable. I FINALLY made an appointment at the dermatologist where she took the laser to both of them and with three quick snaps and a tiny amount of pain, they are gone. It will take 5-7 days for the markings to be gone, but here is a photo just following the procedure.

      Day 236 | August 24, 2018

      We have had some changes around here over the last two weeks that I have been reluctant to discuss because … well, it is just gross. Our kittens are finally worker cats and without going into a lot of details, we have been finding mice (both dead and alive) in various states around our house. I am so happy they are starting to do their job (why we got them in the first place) and can’t wait until they move onto the moles in the yard. But dealing with the mice … ew. So I moved the giant cat tree into the garage and started to lock them out at night. But because we LOVE these kitties so much, I bought a small cat tree with a hammock on top that they could lay in when they are in the house. Cutie Kitty has decided that hammock is one of her favorite places to reside now.

      Day 237 | August 25, 2018

      Carter’s soccer team participated in a jamboree this weekend and we needed some extra players, so Gavin played with his team. I didn’t get a photo of the boys at the field since I was coaching, but I did manage to get one of them at home afterwards. Both Carter and Gavin played great and I was so impressed with their effort out there! (Carter, where’s my hand?)

      Day 238 | August 26, 2018

      I spied a cute little snuggle bug relaxing with the light hitting her just right.
