Day 316 | November 12, 2018
And my little experiment worked out beautifully and the pink tile is GONE! I did a bunch of research on how to paint tile and since I have several cans of the simply white paint from the family room left, I decided to do the fireplace white on white. It finished the room off wonderfully and now I am experimenting with mantle decorations. After pulling all the photos and art off the walls and repairing and painting, I am having a really hard time committing to hanging anything up. So for now, I am going minimalist. I am also toying with painting the interior of the fireplace black.

Day 317 | November 13, 2018
Jeremy is travelling again and this is what happens when I ask the boys if they want to send a quick picture and hello to their dad… Crazies.

Day 318 | November 14, 2018
After living with the railing stained for awhile, I decided I really didn’t like it I went back and forth a LOT on the decision to paint it black to match the front door because once you get that black paint on there, it would be painful to sand off if it looked bad. I finally just went with my gut and started painting it the same black as our front door and it looks SO MUCH BETTER! I love the contrast with how the rails pop out against the gray now. It ties into the door when you are looking down from up above too. Here is a photo with just the top part done so you can see the difference.

Day 319 | November 15, 2018
Carter decided tonight would be a fun night to cut out some snowflakes for possible decorations.

Day 320 | November 16, 2018
Chore charts are going strong – the boys work together to unload the dishwasher every morning to get lots of “help mom” minutes. This has been such a helpful way to keep them on task and me not yelling while Jeremy travels.

Day 321 | November 17, 2018
<No photo today>
Day 322 | November 18, 2018
The boys have soccer again tonight, so I made a huge pot of beef stew to be ready right when we arrive home after a cold night out! It is delicious.